Animal adoptions and end of lockdown: what's happening? 2

The Confederation gathers together nearly 270 organisations working for animal welfare. These independent organisations share common values and manage themselves financially. The SPA de Haguenau & Environs is a member of the Confederation.

Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.


Animal adoptions and end of lockdown: what's happening?

Sarah Buchmann11/05/2020

In recent months, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted habits throughout France. Shelters have also been affected: closure to the public, postponement of adoptions…

How has the shelter handled adoptions during the lockdown? How can you adopt a cat or a dog during the transition phase post-lockdown? How can you stay in contact with our residents, even from afar? We will answer all these questions in this article.

How did adoptions at the SPA de Haguenau & Environs take place during the lockdown?

Despite the lockdown due to COVID-19 and the restrictive measures taken by the government, shelters in France have tried to interrupt the adoption process as little as possible. On April 16, 2020, tolerance was granted to people going to shelters to adopt an animal. The establishments that wished to do so were able to set up a dematerialised adoption procedure, for example by making pre-control visits by videoconference.

However, the SPA de Haguenau & Environs did not wish to set up a digital adoption system and opted for the postponement of the visits. In order to find a new family for our protégés, we have chosen to set up adoption application forms for our animals. This form not only helps our team process applications more efficiently, but it also allows us to learn more about you and your lifestyle.

Un chien qui se fait caresser sous la tête

Is the SPA de Haguenau & Environs now open to the public? How can I adopt?

Adopting a dog or adopting a cat is still possible, but under certain conditions. Following the end of the COVID-19 lockdown, the shelter is open to the public by appointment only as of May 11, 2020. 

To begin the adoption process, we ask you to fill out the dog adoption form or the cat adoption form and return it to Please take your time to fill it out. We will then contact you after reviewing your application to fix an appointment.

If you fell for one of our residents, we also advise you to inquire about our procedures and fees for dog adoption or our procedures and fees for cat adoption. An adoption is a thoughtful and serious commitment that allows us to give a new start to our protégés. When you browse through the Our Dogs and Our Cats pages, we advise you to take into account the indicated criteria (sex, age, size…). Some of the character traits they showed during their stay at the shelter are also included to give you a brief glimpse of their personality. However, after its arrival in its family, your new friend will be able to blossom in a way we had not anticipated thanks to this new and wonderful adventure!

How can I keep in touch with the animals of the SPA of Haguenau & Environs?

During this unusual period, the shelter’s volunteers and employees have striven to ensure that you can stay in contact with the animals even from home. You can find news about our residents on our Facebook page, where we publish unreleased photos and videos of our dogs and cats.

The shelter’s canine mascot, Milan, has for example charmed many of you with his beautiful eyes 😉 

Icône flèche verte

Our team strives to offer what is best for our animals and it is important for us to maintain this bond they have with you. We will keep on updating you with their news as soon as possible: to make sure you don’t miss anything, follow us on our Facebook page or on our Instagram page!

To help us during this special time, you can also support us in many ways, either by making a financial donation, becoming a member or sponsoring an animal. Each gesture helps us run the shelter and to take care of our dogs and cats.

Our team and our animals thank you for your involvement!