Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.
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Animal pound
You have lost or found an animal? We invite you to contact the Animal Pound of Haguenau.
As the SPA de Haguenau & Environs and the animal pound are two different entities, the pound remains your privileged interlocutor if you find or lose a four-legged friend. Its mission is to look after the animals found on public roads and to manage cases of animal disappearances. The pound’s staff is of course here to help you with any requests and take into account your reports.

Animal welfare organisations
The Confédération Nationale Défense de l’Animal:
The Confederation gathers together nearly 270 organisations working for animal welfare. These independent organisations share common values and manage themselves financially thanks to the money donated by benefactors. The SPA de Haguenau & Environs is also a member of the Confederation.
Learn more about the Confédération Nationale Défense de l’Animal.
The Helferkreis:
The Helferkreis is the German partner of the SPA of Haguenau & Environs. This organisation helps us look after our protégés and find them future foster care and new families across the Rhine.
Learn more about the Helferkreis.
The Groupement Ornithologique du Refuge Nord-Alsace:
The GORNA collects injured and sick birds and wild mammals and provides them necessary care so they can be reintroduced later in their natural environment.
Learn more about the Groupement Ornithologique du Refuge Nord-Alsace.
The Refuge L’Arche de Noé:
The Refuge L’Arche de Noé is an organisation that helps farm and livestock animals by caring for them and finding foster care or new families.
Learn more about the Refuge L’Arche de Noé.
The Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux:
The LPO works daily for the protection of birds and wild fauna, for the preservation of spaces and to educate and raise awareness of the environment.
Learn more about the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux / Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux — Association locale Alsace.