La Confédération rassemble près de 270 associations qui œuvrent pour la protection animale. Ces associations sont indépendantes et se gèrent financièrement. La SPA de Haguenau en est membre.

Animal trouvé ou perdu – La fourrière est là pour vous.


Gifts in Kind 2

The Confederation gathers together nearly 270 organisations working for animal welfare. These independent organisations share common values and manage themselves financially. The SPA de Haguenau & Environs is a member of the Confederation.

Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.


Gifts in Kind

Given that the SPA de Haguenau & Environs is self-sufficient, our organisation does not receive any subsidies, that’s why we count on you.

You cannot adopt, but you wish to contribute to the animals’ well-being, make gifts in kind.

Give a second life to your everyday objects

Are you planning to sort through your closets? Think of us! Don’t get rid of your blankets, towels or washcloths that are still in good condition. Please do not bring duvets, mattresses, pillows, we will not be able to use them.
Please come and drop them off. We use them daily for the comfort of our protégés.


Give a second life to your everyday objects

Are you planning to sort through your closets? Think of us! Don’t get rid of your blankets, towels or washcloths that are still in good condition. Please do not bring duvets, mattresses, pillows, we will not be able to use them.
Please come and drop them off. We use them daily for the comfort of our protégés.

You wish to make a good deed, think about gifts in kind.

You can also make a donation in kind when you make a purchase. For the proper operation of the shelter, we need: 

  •  Washing powder/liquid (to clean towels, blankets…),
  •  Rubber-tipped brooms (easier to disinfect),
  •  Squeegees (for washing floors),
  •  Paper towels (always handy!),
  •  Sponges,
  •  Fringed mops (for cleaning the kennels),
  •  Bags of wood pellets (for litter).

This list is not exhaustive, but these products are part of our essentials to continue to ensure perfect hygiene at the shelter.

Are you considering making food donations?

Many animals pass through our shelter and some of them are currently in need of a specific diet, therefore all your food donations will be welcomed and more particularly:

For dogs

  • “Hypoallergenic” dry food,
  • “Diet mobility” dry food,
  • “Weight reduction” dry food,
  • ROYAL CANIN “Junior” dry food for small dogs.

For adult cats

  • “Sensitive stomach” dry food made for digestive problems.
  • Mousse food to whet the weakest cats’ appetite.
cat tetine

For the kittens

  • Wet and dry food made for kittens.

We would like to thank everyone who support us with their contributions.

faire un don
Your donations are vital to guarantee our pets’ well-being.
faire un legs
Leave a legacy of your love for animals.
devenir famille d'accueil
Foster and take care of animals in needs.