Gifts in Wills 2

The Confederation gathers together nearly 270 organisations working for animal welfare. These independent organisations share common values and manage themselves financially. The SPA de Haguenau & Environs is a member of the Confederation.

Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.


Make a Donation in Your Will

 Leave a legacy of your love for animals. 

You love them and they gave back to you; their well-being is at the center of your thoughts and you want to help them. A bequest is a testamentary disposition whereby you give part or the entirety of your assets to one or more beneficiaries. During your lifetime, you can change or cancel this provision at any time.

Types of gifts in wills:

Universal legacy: this is the will of the testator to bequeath to one or more beneficiaries the totality of the assets that they will leave up death. 

General legacy: it allows the testator to bequeath a share or a fixed percentage of all his property. The specificity of this legacy is that it may be for an unspecified proportion of the property. 

Individual legacy: it allows to bequeath to one or several people specific property.

pensez aux animaux, aux legs

There are different forms of bequests:

Universal legacy: this is the will of the testator to bequeath to one or more beneficiaries the totality of the assets that they will leave at their death.

General legacy: it allows the testator to bequeath a share or a fixed percentage of all his property. The specificity of this legacy is that it may be for an unspecified proportion of the property. 

Individual legacy: it allows to bequeath to one or several people specific property.

For more information about the different types of gifts in wills, we advise you to directly contact a notary.

Furthermore, in the event of a bequest, our organisation is exempt from all inheritance taxes as it is a general interest organisation.

How to make gifts in wills to the SPA de Haguenau & Environs:

Following the request of many members living in France, we are making this text available, for the good cause, in order to include the SPA de Haguenau & Environs in your testamentary dispositions.

Lieu et date en toutes lettres.
Je soussigné(e) [nom, prénom, adresse] lègue à la Société Protectrice des Animaux de Haguenau & Environs ayant son Siège route de Schirrhein à 67500 HAGUENAU, la pleine propriété de mon bien ci-après désigné :
(Indiquer ici, soit l’immeuble ou les immeubles, soit les meubles ou espèces, soit la part d’actif net de la succession dont on désire faire bénéficier la SPA de Haguenau & Environs indiquer si le legs est fait net de frais et droits ou non.) »

In addition, it is also possible to specify for what you want to donate (e.g. construction or improvement of the shelter, veterinary facilities, etc.).

To draw up your will, we advise you to contact your notary. If you speak French, you can also contact us at the following address:

To avoid losing anything, you can make two indentical wills (no photocopies, but a second handwritten will), one of which should be sealed, dated and signed, and given to a trustworthy person.


⚠️ Be careful: We advise people living abroad or who do not speak French to consult a local notary.

We wish to thank anyone who will do this generous deed.

faire un don
Your donations are vital to guarantee our pets’ well-being.
devenir un benevole
Get involved in the life of the shelter.
devenir famille d'accueil
Foster and take care of animals in needs.