Advice for Adopters 2

The Confederation gathers together nearly 270 organisations working for animal welfare. These independent organisations share common values and manage themselves financially. The SPA de Haguenau & Environs is a member of the Confederation.

Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.


Advice for Adopters

Find all our advice on animal well-being.

Advice for Adopters 5

10 Practical Tips for Cat Adoption

The adoption of a cat at the SPA de Haguenau & Environs is the beginning of a beautiful journey.
chien conseils

6 Practical Tips for Dog Adoption

You have just adopted a dog from the SPA de Haguenau & Environs, but you now have questions about the comfort and well-being of your pet.
faire un don
Your donations are vital to guarantee our pets’ well-being.
faire un don matériel
Food, objects… Every donation makes a profound difference!
You cannot adopt? You fell for one of our residents?