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10 Practical Tips for Cat Adoption
The adoption of a cat at the SPA de Haguenau & Environs is the beginning of a beautiful journey: your new friend is eager to fit smoothly into your home. Nevertheless, you will have to be patient and persevering. You will also have to understand your pet’s needs in order to guarantee its physical and psychological well-being.
What are the cat adoption mistakes to avoid? On the contrary, what should be set up? To make sure your friend feels comfortable, here are our 10 tips to help you welcome the new member of your family.

1. Don't humanise your pet
The golden rule: respect its animality, your cat is not an human being! It may seem fragile and nervous to you, but like all felines, it is in fact constantly on its guard. In the wild, it is as much a predator as it is a prey, hence its constant vigilance.
2. Set clear rules
It is important that your pet is clear about what is and is not allowed once it joins your home. Every member of your household should be consistent on what is allowed or not and permissions should be encouraged.
3. Provide your cat a clean and quiet place
Your pet needs a place of its own. This shelter must allow it to be able to retreat to rest, sleep, take refuge and even escape punishment if necessary. This place will be an inviolable safe haven. Its litter must be regularly cleaned and disinfected, for example with bleach.
4. Respect its spaces and allow it to explore its environment
Unlike dogs, cats need height to better control its territory and feel safe. Be sure to provide it with places where it can climb to isolate itself. However, beware of open windows and balcony parapets!
5. Let it choose when it’s play or cuddle time
Cats needs to play and it is a completely normal behaviour. Playtime is essential to its well-being as it allows your feline to replicate simulated hunting. Given its independent nature, a cat may ask for physical contact but it is up to it when it chooses to.
6. Pay attention to its diet
Contrary to popular belief, feeding it milk or even dairy products causes it diarrhoea. Simply give it fresh water. It is also important that it can regurgitate its hairs, which are swallowed when your furry friend grooms itself . Catnip helps him to do this.
7. Trim its claws
To help your pet maintain its claws, train your cat to scratch on a designated surface, such as a piece of carpet attached to a wall or cat tree. However, a cat should never be declawed or have the small portion of the tendons that allow it to get its claws out removed. These interventions not only distort the cat’s personality and nature, but are also the cause of serious behavioural problems.
8. Ensure your cat's safety during travels
For its safety and yours, your cat should only be transported in a carrier provided for this purpose to avoid accidents, especially if it is a car journey.
9. Don't believe popular belief
The common misconception that your feline friend can be left alone. A cat should not be left alone in a flat for more than 2 to 3 days even if there is food available. If you have to be away, put your friend in a boarding establishment: cats consider the place where they finds food as their territory and will get used to their new surroundings without difficulty.
In addition, the idea of cats being dogs’ hereditary enemy is not true! Cats and dogs can get along well, as long as you let them get to know each other without interfering.
10. Do not assume your cat is traumatised
The key to a successful adoption is to not treat your cat like a traumatised animal. Like us, your feline may have acquired bad habits that will take it a short or long time to give up. That is why it is vital to put in place prohibitions and permissions you will need to stick to as soon as you bring your cat to your home.
During the first few weeks in his new home, it will observe you in order to understand your behaviour and will take advantage of the weaknesses you will have shown. So just like your cat, take heed of possible mistakes as quickly as possible to correct them.
If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team, especially if you find yourself in difficulty. The shelter will gladly help and will advise you in the best possible manner.