Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.
Make a report to the SPA de Haguenau & Environs
You've lost or found an animal?
If you wish to report a lost or found animal, we invite you to quickly contact the animal pound of Haguenau.
The animal pound is indeed the only organisation authorized to take charge of animals found on public roads. Therefore, they are the ones who manage your four-legged friends’ cases of disappearance.
For more information or if you have any question, please contact the animal pound of Haguenau. The staff will gladly help you.

Witness of animal abuse?
Beaten, abandoned, malnourished… Many of you are wondering about the required steps when you are a witness animal abuse. What should you do? Who should you contact? How can you take action without putting yourself in danger?
The first step is to gather evidence such as photos, videos, testimonies… The more evidence you have, the more chances there are of bringing the case to justice.
To make a report, there are two possibilities:
- In the most serious cases where the animal is in danger (acts of cruelty such as abandonment or deprivation of food), it is first necessary to contact the police as they are the only body authorised to intervene. You can contact your police station or in France your gendarmerie.
- You might also want to look up animal welfare organisations and contact them. They will be able to guide you, as well as take charge of the case and gather enough evidence to file a complaint.
To report animal abuse to the SPA of Haguenau & Environs, complete our “Report” form. Following your testimony, our team dedicated to animal cruelty or neglect cases will then conduct an investigation to verify the facts.
Form for reporting a possible case of abuse or negligence
Information prior to any report: the response that the SPA of Haguenau & surroundings can give to a report requires to distinguish the case of proven abuse from that which is not, legally, recognized as such (example: dog tied up, dog locked up in an enclosure too small…).
In the course of the investigation and in particular in the event of possible criminal proceedings, the name of the person who issued the alert shall not be communicated without a prior consent.
⚠️ Warning: In France, animal welfare organisations are not authorised to seize animals without being duly mandated by authorities such as the gendarmerie, police, prefecture services or courts. In addition, only these bodies can write a report.