La Confédération rassemble près de 270 associations qui œuvrent pour la protection animale. Ces associations sont indépendantes et se gèrent financièrement. La SPA de Haguenau en est membre.

Animal trouvé ou perdu – La fourrière est là pour vous.


Pocket Pets

Pocket Pets 2

The Confederation gathers together nearly 270 organisations working for animal welfare. These independent organisations share common values and manage themselves financially. The SPA de Haguenau & Environs is a member of the Confederation.

Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.


Pocket Pets

The term pocket pets may be surprising, but it actually refers to any animal that is not a dog or cat.

Adopting one of our pocket pets is a significant step because an animal requires a lot of time and attention. To allow you to learn more about them, we have specified our pocket pets’ sex (male or female) and type. We have also added two adjectives so that you can get a first impression of our adoptable pocket pets’ personality!

Would you like to adopt one of our residents? Discover our procedures and fees for pocket pet adoption.

Discover our pocket pet adoption process and fees. All our pocket pets are systematically placed in foster families while they are waiting to find their new home.

faire un don
Your donations are vital to guarantee our pets’ well-being.
devenir un membre
You wish to support the shelter?
You cannot adopt? You fell for one of our residents?