Procedures & Fees for Pocket Pets 2

The Confederation gathers together nearly 270 organisations working for animal welfare. These independent organisations share common values and manage themselves financially. The SPA de Haguenau & Environs is a member of the Confederation.

Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.


lapin condition frais

Pocket Pet Adoption Process and Fees

Some of our furry friends up for adoption are pocket pets, a nickname we use to refer to animals that are not cats or dogs. They can be exotic and unusual animals such as reptiles. However, the most common pocket pets in our Alsatian shelter are rodents: rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, hamsters… These animals also deserve to find a home filled with love and our team thanks you for this choice.

To ensure their care and comfort, it is sadly not possible to visit our pocket pets in our premises. Indeed, they are systematically put into care in a foster family located 15 minutes from the shelter where you can meet them. Concerning rabbits, they will during this time learn how to socialise and how to be clean. Many of our rabbits live in their foster family and then in their future home in semi-liberty or complete freedom. They usually do not cause damage and are very clean. 

Procedures & Fees for Pocket Pets 5

Pocket pet adoption process and procedures

Adopting a pet in a shelter is different from buying one at a pet store. It is also different than a cat or dog adoption at the SPA de Haguenau & Environs. Indeed, for rabbits, you can see the animal after agreeing on a appointment with the foster family. If you already own a rabbit, you can take it with you. You and the family can also set a place and date so your rabbit can meet their potential new friend.

At our shelter, the pocket pet adoption process is also a responsible and thoughtful decision. In order to offer our pocket pets a good life, we make sure their new family have at the very least enough space to respect their well-being. We would be happy to advise you: some brands offer enclosures that are much cheaper than buying a cage that is too cramped.

Our rabbits join their new family:

  • treated against fleas (STRONGHOLD® pipette),
  • vaccinated (myxomatosis and RHDV),
  • sterilised or castrated.

Guinea pigs are treated only against fleas.

Contributions* to adoption fees:

For a male rabbit

75 €

For a female rabbit

90 €

For a guinea pig

30 €

For another type of rodent (mice, rats, hamsters, etc.)

5 €

Specific fees are applied to double adoption and adoption of old or sick pets.


* It is a contribution, as the SPA de Haguenau & Environs takes care of the vaccination and desexing fees.

For the conditions and the contribution to adoption fees of our other pocket pets or for further information, please contact our team through our contact form on the Contact Us page.

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Your donations are vital to guarantee our pets’ well-being.
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