Our Missions 2

The Confederation gathers together nearly 270 organisations working for animal welfare. These independent organisations share common values and manage themselves financially. The SPA de Haguenau & Environs is a member of the Confederation.

Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.


Our missions

Since its creation, the SPA de Haguenau & Environs has striven to ensure the well-being of animals in Bas-Rhin. After joining the ranks of Confédération Nationale Défense de l’Animal in 1981, our will to put an end to cruelty, neglect and preconceived ideas has only been reinforced.

Our missions are:

  • To rescue, shelter and help abandoned animals.
  • To fight against animal abuse.
  • To work for the betterment of all animals’ well-being and living conditions.
  • To carry out awareness-raising activities on animal welfare for the general public and its  youngest members. 
  • To inform, advise and make pet owners aware of their responsibilities.
nos missions

Our fight against animal abuse

Combating violence against animals and defending their rights are at the core of our values. This is why our mistreatment team has the mission to act for the protection of animals. Therefore we created a team to handle cases of mistreatment and act for animal welfare.

They follow up on reports of animal abuse and take charge of the investigations. Indeed, the team contacts owners and gathers evidence to file a complaint when they refuse to improve the animal’s living conditions. In the most serious cases, the intervention of the police is necessary in order to be able to retrieve the animal.

8 volunteers make up this team and helped the requisition of 53 animals in 2019.

Neutering and pets owners

Every year, shelters have to take care of hundreds of thousands of animals which may not all be adopted. Take the non-sterilisation of cats for example. When people abandon a non-neutered cat on publics roads, it leads to the explosion of the numbers of stray cats and thus their overpopulation. Those cats can be exposed to either an early death or a short and brutal life.

Desexing your companion is therefore the best way to avoid abuse, abandonment and poor living conditions.  Many people have unfounded prejudices  against this surgical procedure, although it is a protective gesture, especially on cats. It is necessary to limit animal overpopulation, which may make it easier to find a family for animals already living in shelters and on the streets.

To counter this problem, the SPA de Haguenau & Environs ensure the sterilisation of its animals if they are not already neutered when they arrive at the shelter. However, this procedure is not always possible due to the age of the animals. If those pets are adopted, our team makes sure the owners are aware of the risks and the consequences.

A leading role in prevention activities at schools about animals’ adoptions

Adopting an pet is a thoughtful act that involves certain responsibilities, such as being respectful of the animal or being able to afford the costs related to its daily needs. Therefore, we aim to educate young people on essential topics, for instance why animal sterilisation and microchips are important.

We generally hold meetings in primary, middle or high schools at their request. These actions most often take place during fund-raisings organized by students and their teachers. The secondary school of Drusenheim, for example, has chosen the shelter as one of the beneficiaries of a collection. Within the framework of their charity race, 4 organisations were selected by the pupils for a donation of 9404€.

In 2019, we took part in 3 prevention activities in Alsacian secondary schools. During the event “Journalist for a day”, we were featured in an article by DNA on the SPA de Haguenau & Environs thanks to a student of the Heinrich Nessel high school in Haguenau. The younger ones also showed their interest in our organisation when a primary school class contacted us to collect a fund-raising organised by students during a reverse Advent calendar event. 

We would like to thank the students for their involvement and enthusiasm. It makes a major difference in the improvement of all the animals’ living conditions, and not only our protégés’.

You are a teacher and your students are interested in our missions and in a prevention activity led by the SPA de Haguenau & Environs? Get in touch with our team by filling in our contact form on the Contact Us page.

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Your donations are vital to guarantee our pets’ well-being.
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You wish to support the shelter?
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Leave a legacy of your love for animals.