Lost or found an animal? The animal pound is there to assist you.
Who we are?

Letter from the Chairwoman
« 2020 celebrates the 60th anniversary of our organisation. What a long way we’ve come since its foundation! » Read more…
The birth of the SPA de Haguenau & Environs
The SPA de Haguenau & Environs was created on April 6, 1960. Our association is part of the Confédération Nationale Défense de l’Animal and is completely self-sufficient both financially and administratively. It thus forms a separate entity with its own board of directors and management.
Our shelter is located in Haguenau, a very dynamic Alsatian city known for its large green spaces and lowland forests, and which is currently the fourth most important urban pole of Alsace. Together with the Strasbourg, Ebersheim and Saverne sites, they represent the only shelters in Bas-Rhin.
Opening hours and access
The refuge opens its doors from Monday to Saturday (except on Wednesdays, Sundays and public holidays) from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and exceptionally every 1st Sunday of the month from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
It is located on Route de Schirrhein in Haguenau (67500) and you can access it through a forest path connected to the D29 b-road.

Opening hours and access
The refuge opens its doors from Monday to Saturday (except on Wednesdays, Sundays and public holidays) from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and exceptionally every 1st Sunday of the month from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
It is located on Route de Schirrhein in Haguenau (67500) and you can access it through a forest path connected to the D29 b-road.
The shelter’s missions
The shelter SPA de Haguenau & Environs also takes care of abandoned animals or transferred ones from the animal pound at the end of the legal deadline. We also work first and foremost for animal welfare against cruelty and mistreatment.
We look after our protégés of all ages, we strive to restore confidence to those traumatised by abandonment and we are dedicated to find them a new family.
The SPA de Haguenau & Environs is also...
- In 2019, 717 cats, 314 dogs and 40 NAC (exotic pets) taken in,
- Thousands of kilometers traveled by our teams who perform pre-checks, placement checks and investigate animal abuse cases in 2019,
- A large amount of food distributed,
- Hundreds of vaccinations and sterilizations performed each year,
- Numerous hours of grooming,
- And at least 1,460 hours of cleaning per year.
Our team’s composition
Our association consists of a board of directors, 7 employees, and had no less than 220 members and volunteers at the end of 2019. All together we always strive to carry out all our daily tasks with the animals’ well-being in mind.
The whole team would like to warmly thank all the generous donors who allow us to continue our fight: the protection of our four-legged friends.
Organisational structure
Marie-Christine STEINMETZ
Vice-chairwoman of the shelter and in charge of communication with Germany